Monday, June 15, 2009

Personality Test

Personality Test

Step 1) Click on the image above so you can see a full-size version of it, then come back to this page.

Step 2) Answer the question below.

What was the first thing you noticed?
a) Wow - what a beautiful mountain
b) The clouds are building, I hope Randy got off the mountain before the weather turned bad
c) Check out the black Ferrari

I know that my mom answered 'b' and switchboard Kent answered 'c'. I hope everyone else answered 'a'.

Speaking of cars, Kent - BMW was up on Stelvio today test-driving prototype hybrid cars. I guess the black tape over the emblem and lines is supposed to keep us from recognizing them as BMW's. Take a look at the brake dust on the wheels compared to the spotless exterior of the car. Do you think they were driving them hard?

All of the exotics were out today. Ferrari, Lotus, Porche and a couple of open wheel roadsters.


  1. Were there cars in the picture??

    Definitely A.

  2. I thought...What kind of drug deal is going on under the falling rock sign? Great shot, Randy. Looks like you have some hellacious riding ahead of you. Those snaking roads in the other picture are truly awe inspiring. Keep having fun, the Ruzicka's say hi!


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