The countdown timer I put on this site was intended to generate excitement for the upcoming adventure. I am excited, but seeing that timer tick down (currently at 28 days), it also induces a bit of anxiety. There is so much left to do. Some of the bigger palm sweaters are:
Hand off duties at work Complete the department's business plan so everyone is clear on what needs to be done while I am away Find a tenant for my house Get a lease renewed on the rental unit Figure out how to notify people when I update this blog Arrange logistics to get bills paid and rent deposited Book my flights Figure out rail pass strategies Plan the itinerary for tracking the Giro Book a trip with a Giro tour operator Research must-see destinations and continue to build my itinerary Arrange for house maintenance Order remaining gear for travel and touring Learn some Italian
Since this primarily a bike trip, it also wouldn't be a bad thing if the weather would let me get a few hours in the saddle.
It sounds like I haven't done anything, but that's not true. The list of things that have been completed is at least as long. Just need to keep making progress.
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