Sunday, April 12, 2009

Subscription options for this blog

There are a number of ways you can keep up to date as new posts are published on this blog:

1) Caveman Technique - You can periodically come back to this page ( whenever you think about it. The newest post will always be at the top of the page, followed by others in reverse chronological order. You won't be notified right away when new posts are created, but for casual following, this technique is simple and will work.

2) Bring the World to my Door Technique - If you want to receive an e-mail each time I create a new post, you can subscribe by entering your e-mail address in the right column in the section labeled, "E-Mail Notification for New Posts". This will walk you through a process to prove that you are a human by demonstrating your ability to interpret squiggly letters and validate your e-mail account.

If you use this technique, you will receive an e-mail once each day that I create a new post. Since some of the embedded videos, maps, etc. are not visible in the e-mail, I suggest that you don't read the post in the e-mail. Instead, click on the title ("...and now, for Something Completely Different"), and read the post directly on my blog.

You don't need to know this, but if you are concerned about privacy, read on. This process will register your e-mail account with a site called which is operated by google and utilzes their privacy policy. I feel okay about registering my address there.

After you follow the subscription instructions, you should receive an e-mail sometime in the middle of the night on any day I create a new post.

3) Super-Geek Technique (obviously, this is not an insult coming from me) - If you are a sophisticated web user and understand about "feeds", you can subscribe to a feed from my blog and any new posts and/or comments will show up in your feed reader.

Regardless of what method you use, I hope you will use the "comments" feature after the articles to keep this interactive.

1 comment:

  1. I see ya figured it out... :-)

    9 more days and counting! (just in case you weren't aware)


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